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BBW 48 Hour FIRST Date with a BBW

Dimensions Magazine

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"Beam me here Scotty"
May 1, 2022
Sammy and Sophia meet through a personal ad in 1998. They instantly "click" and have a "48 Hour FIRST Date", full of fun, sex, food, beers and bones.

48 Hour FIRST Date
by kyle

Chapter One – The ad

HEADLINE: Horny, desperate, lonely guy on food stamps, wants to get laid by BBW

If you thought that was funny, please keep reading. 49 y/o WM. Tall, good looking, athletic build, light brown hair/green eyes. Likes: cars, sports, outdoors, blah, blah, blah. Successful, sense of humor, smart, blah, blah, blah. Looking for: SWF who is not thin. No, that’s not a misprint. Looking for a BBW. (Big Beautiful Woman) Someone who is smart, sexy, romantic, funny, successful, laid back, likes to party and is a … BBW. Obviously, this isn’t the usual ad. But, if you’re confident in yourself and aren’t hung up on perceptions, I’d like to get to know you. And a picture gets a return picture.

He re-read the ad … “Well, at least I’m not on food stamps”, laughing out loud. Maybe a little desperate though, using the personnel ads. What the hell, nothing to lose right? Hit the enter key and the personnel ad was on the way. ...

“1998” he thought and marveled at the advances in technology.

Chapter Two

Another response came in, she hadn't enclosed a picture, but she seemed funny. She liked the 'blah, blah, blah" part of the description.

It was 7:30 on Thursday night … she was home.

“Hello’ she answered

“Hello, is Sophia there please”

“Speaking” she said.

“Game time” he thought and got into his smooth, radio voice. Not quite Barry White, but it was as suave.

“Hi Sophia, my name is Sammy, you answered my ad in the personnel ads.”

‘Oh, hi” she said with surprise laughter in her voice.

"Hi" he laughed too. "I’m not interrupting you, am I?”

"No, not at all" She answered.

She had a great voice. A low, southern, drawl mixed with a sexy tone. He could sense her confidence. It’s a subtle thing. But you can just sense it. Even over the phone. And it was her that broached the whole Big Girl thing.

“So, what’s up with this overweight thing”? she asked. “You’re not looking for like 500 lbs. or anything are you?”

He was alone and he still blushed thinking of April.

She continued, “Because I’m not that big, but I’m not some little twiggy either. I just want to be honest with you.”

He went into the pitch ... a hardened veteran of the ‘personal ad wars’ and had the comeback.

“No, no” he said, “don’t get me wrong, it’s not that I don’t like thin women, it’s just given my choice, I prefer a woman that’s a size 14 - 16 not a 4 - 6.”

She laughed. “It must have taken a lot of guts to say that.”

They both laughed.

“Well, you’re in luck” she said. “I’m just above the top of your range. "A little top heavy,” she said matter of factly, “but close to your range.”

“That’s not a bad thing”, he blurted out, before even realizing it.

“Really? So, you’re a boob guy are you?”

“Ah, ah …” he was stammering

“I’m sorry” she snickered, “I shouldn’t have said that …”

He laughed, a little embarrassed again, “yes … yes … you should.”

They both laughed some more.

And that was it. They had broken the ice. Broken the sexual tension. The rest of the conversation was filled with sexual innuendos, teasing and flirting. Both laughing. The conversation was easy and fun.

They talked some more and were really hitting it off. Since she brought it up, figured he'd ask her how she felt about the whole big girl thing. Praying she wasn't about to say she was trying to lose weight. He was in luck, she didn’t care. Didn't care if people didn’t like her. "It was they’re loss". She was old enough to know what she liked and young enough to enjoy it. It was music to his ears.

They agreed to meet. The script came in handy about identifying each other. His description was a “boots, jeans and T-shirt” kind of guy.

“Sounds good to me” she said.

Trying to find out what she looked like, he used the line about, trying to get a mental picture. So, he asked, “Has anyone ever told you that look like anyone?"

“Wonder Woman” she said without hesitation.

“Wonder Woman?!” he said raising his voice, “you mean …”

“Ya, Linda Carter" She cut him off.

“Ya right!” he teased.

Dead silence.

“Really?” he said, still in disbelief.

She laughed. “Yup. Only prettier”

“Gee, I’m glad you’re not toooooo confident there." he said without even thinking.

“Oooohhh Kay” she chided.

“How about you?” she asked, “who do you look like.”

Bam! Right back at him.

He laughed a little and said, “do you know who Dennis Quaid is?"

“Yeah” she said.

“People tell me I kind of look like him” He answered.

It was her turn “Yah right, that’s why you’re placing a personal ad.”

It was his turn at sarcasm .... “Ooooohhh Kay"

“Really?” Her turn at the disbelief

“Only with a better body” he teased.

She burst out laughing, “touché.”

She would be wearing jeans too, with a white shirt.
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